Flying Turkey Coop

Yep.  That is what I said:  “Flying Turkey Coop.”  Well, it is not really supposed to fly, but that is what it did this morning.  Here is the coop across the driveway.


Flying coop


The brown square in the photo below is where the coop is supposed to be.


When the coop left, the turkeys stayed in the general area of their coop… in the rain.  They looked a little bit lost and confused.  I’m thankful that they didn’t fly off through.


Turkeys looking lost

My neighbor came up and helped me move the coop from the pasture back across the driveway into a safe place.  I decided to put it in front of the barn for now.  It is in sad shape.  The wind did a number on it.

Note to self:  Tarps keep the rain out, but they make good sails as well.

Deformed Coop

Deformed Coop

Looking inside, you can tell that the coop took a beating.  The board on the back is supposed to be parallel with the one on the bottom.  The coral panels were even bent.  Bummer.

Inside the deformed coop

Inside the deformed coop

The door won’t close now, so I had to use a bungee on it.

Bungee latch

Bungee latch

I did manage to get the turkeys back in fairly easily though.  That was a blessing.  I spent the rest of the afternoon fixing fences, praying, and fussing at the devil for trying to mess with my stuff.  “Don’t make me tell my daddy!”

Here is another fun result of the storm this morning:

Pig pond

Pig pond

Not a good spot for the pigs.  We had to move that after fixing the fence.  Fun, in a strange sorta way.  Kinda like I imagine that mud wrestling would be… no, actually, more fun than that.

– Stan.


One thought on “Flying Turkey Coop

  1. Both Mikayla and I thought this was an Aardvark. If you look at the tail as an ear and the back right leg as the head, maybe you can see it too.

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