
Ick!  What a nasty day.  Now that Sandy the Frankenstorm is moving over this way, and the cold front is moving down we are getting some “lovely” weather.  I’m kinda bummed though.  This was a good opportunity for a big snow storm… staying inside… drinking hot coco, etc.  Instead, all the snow is to the east of it, and we have a cold, wet, windy day.

I’ve been quite busy with IT (information Technology) projects lately, so I’m behind on posting a bit.

Here are the cows this morning chowing down on some hay from the barn.  I’ve started adding in square bail hay since they are still in the middle pasture, and they have to lick the ground to get any grass.  My neighbor helped me put out a round bail a little over a week ago, and they have eaten almost half of it already.  Yikes!  It’s going to be a long winter.

Cows Endure the Ick

Cows Endure the Ick … eating some square bailed hay from the barn.

On a more cheerful note, here is our oak tree yesterday evening as the storm blew our way and the sun was setting.


Pre Storm Oak Tree

Our oak tree, barn, etc. the evening that Sandy the “Frankenstorm” blew in


Well, that is it for now.  I have bunches of programs to change.  See Ya.

– Stan.

What you’ve missed around farm…

Well, I’ve had a very busy few days… actually a very busy few weeks.  Nothing bad, just so much work that I’ve not been able to post lately.  So is the BIG update post of happenings.

The free rangers have taken to all laying their eggs in the barn.  Here is the traffic jam waiting for the nest.

Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam

Here is our free rang rooster (the one that thinks he is in charge)

Rooster in charge

Rooster in charge (at least he thinks he is)

They corn field turned hay-field is starting to turn green.

Hay field

Hay Field

The cows chowing down on some early hay

Hay Treat

Hay Treat

Cat naps in the barn

Cat naps

Cat naps

I thought the summer heat had totally fried all my daylillys be check out the straggler

Late daylilly

Late daylilly

Our kittens are turning into cats.  Here is one of the boys following in mamma’s footsteps.

Catching mice

Catching mice

In case you are wondering if our dog Minnie Mae does anything but laze around…

… not really.

Lazy MM

Lazy MM

Our turkey hen escaped the other day.  I was worried that I would not be able to catch her. She can fly really well, and ended up WAY up in some trees, and then disappeared.  She was gone half of a Saturday afternoon and the following Sunday.  After some worrying and then some sincere prayer, I caught her on Monday morning.  They boys were happy to see her back and spent some time showing off.

Toms showing off

Toms showing off

We moved the calf to the front stall and started feeding his milk from a bucket.  The next step will be sweet feed, then moving him to the coral.  He took to bucket feeding very well.

Bucket feeding milk

Bucket feeding milk

Well, that should catch you up for now.

– Stan.